Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rationalize the Emotions

  Q1: Why people of Tamilnadu so concerned on Srilankan Tamils?

  Q2: Why should India interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation-Srilanka?

                                                 These are the two questions asked to any sympathizers of Eelam-Tamils (Srilankan Tamils). The people who face these questions mostly have emotional attachment to that issue rather than a rational one. So in course of conversation they are bound to compromise or get out abruptly. Here the apt answer for the first question,

A1: A German meets another German in china. How he rejoice that gleefully! There is a sense of bonding if you have something in common. This is simple psychology. This is why India expresses the concern when Hindus in Pakistan are attacked. This is why Israel raises voice when there is violence against a Jew in any corner of the world. This is why people of Tamilnadu are concerned of Srilankan Tamils. 

                                              Those who voice out the empathy on Tamils are not chauvinist or fanatic. Those who keep mum or against it are not neutralist or idealist.  No man is complete and so aberrations can’t be taken as examples in either way.

                                              And here comes the next question. Everyone can have empathy or concern on the suffering of Srilankan Tamils on humanitarian ground. But bloody, being an Indian how dare you are to ask India to interfere into the internal affairs of a sovereign nation!

A2: Tamils in Srilanka are the people of the land. Its against the popular perception Tamils immigrated from Tamilnadu. Even Tamils who were taken by the British to work in Srilankan tea estates are still called as ‘Indian Tamils’. Since Independence Sinhalese majority don’t want Tamils treated equally. So constitution was tweaked to favor Sinhalese majority. Sinhalese was made national language. It is mandated that only Sinhalese-Buddhist can become president of Srilanka. Tamil students were denied equal opportunities during admissions.

       S.J.V. Selvanayagam (Thanthai Selva) inspired by Mahatma Gandhi fought peacefully to get equal rights to Tamils within in united Srilanka. But till his death he was unable to do it. From 1948 the year Srilanka get independence from Britain till 1977 the year Selvanayagam died there was no war despite the fact that there were no equal rights. Even Selva’s party calling for ‘free, sovereign, secular, socialist state of Tamil Eelam only in 1976 after humongous efforts.

    During 1970s many Tamil youths go against their leader’s principle of non-violence. And involved in anti-state activities. From here let’s see how India used this conflict to its advantage and aggravated it.

    After Indo-china war Srilanka threatened to give base to china. So in 1964 Lal Bahadur Shahstri  went on an agreement with then Srilankan president Sirimavo Bandaranayke to  call back  Indian Tamils.  Similarly after Indo-Pak war Srilanka threatened to give base to America. In 1974 Indiragandhi-Sirimavo Bandaranayke made a similar pact call back Indian Tamils. Likewise 60,000 Tamils came back. Also in 1974 an islet of Indian Territory (kachatheevu) was ceded to Srilanka. Till today TN fishermen unable to do fishing without fear because of this.                                                                                                                          

    After these threats from Srilankan government, India started to fund Tamil youth groups and encouraged their growth. In 1981 Yazhpanam library which had 90,000 rare Tamil books, Tamil business buildings were torched by Sinhalese mob. Thousands of Tamils died and fled out of country. India made use of this between 1983-1987, outfits like TELO, PLOTE, LTTE, EPRLF, TELA were given training, monetary support & arms. Of this LTTE rose to prominence with the support from RAW

   On 5th June 1987 to show the solidarity with the Tamils, Indian air force dropped food parcels over Jaffna and warned Srilanka of dropping weapons in same fashion. Then LTTE was at the verge of  defeat, India dropped 25 tons of medicine, food. Subsequently Srilankan president Jayewardene –Rajiv Gandhi made an accord for the devolution of power.

    Indian peace keeping force (IPKF) was deployed in Srilanka. Against this Sinhalese youths formed JVP a communist outfit and many of them were massacred by the Srilankan government. Initially Tamil rebels gave up the weapons to IPKF but LTTE didn’t accept complete disarmament until 13th amendment for devolution of power is made. When IPKF forced violently it end up in a blood shed where thousands of Tamil women’s were sexually assaulted and nearly 5000 civilians and 1200 army personnel died.

    After 3 years V.P.Singh called back the army. In 1991 Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by LTTE. But Jain commission raised many suspicions including the involvement of CIA, Subramanian  swamy, Chandra swamy were left out. Former CBI investigating officer K.Ragothaman raising many questions and pointed out the loop holes Investigation. In 2009 the war which was allegedly told as Indian sponsored war (Rajapakshe, srilankan president himself told ‘we fought India’s War’) came to an end. Kumaran pathmanaba one of the prime accused of Rajiv’s assassination is in srilanka and enjoying full freedom. No extradition was asked even after 4 years of war.

                       Throughout the bloody history, Indian and Srilankan government used and decimated Tamils. After the war also no devolution of power. Indian and Chinese companies are in the race to acquire land once owned by now displaced Tamils.And there is a strong lobby in media to showcase this as a illegitimate claim by fanatics in Tamil community. This could give the basic understanding on the exploitation of a community by two nations.


1 comment:

  1. Its very saddened that even after knowing so much of truth that has happened in srilanka especially during the end of civil war in 2009, neither India nor the other countries were able to give justice to the people. Already china started building their naval base in srilanka by granting them millions of dollars and naval ships.Now that India has also completely lost its ground in our sovereign nation and with the dilution of 13th amendment, there is no way that provinces will get their full power.I am deeply hurted to say that our relatives in tamil eelam will be in misery by having lost their land, rights and they will be pushed to live as asylees in their own land. There is no need to see those peoples as srilankan-tamils, Indian-tamils and so on. Just see them from a humanitarian approach, what you would do if you were in such a devastating state.! It is said "The darkest hour of the night just came before the dawn". But contrary to that i can see the peoples of tamil eelam still live in endless night with ray of hope that they can see the dawn someday. Lets not make them to wait yet another generation to see that. So i kindly appeal to every1, even if you do not support the peoples who raise the voices for the genuine cause of humanity, dont try to dampen it by creating baseless arguments with false facts and half cooked knowledge on the issue.!
    - The Humanitarian
