Sunday, August 2, 2015

Zoned Out- The secret life of Walter Mitty

Day dreaming, which would take you out of reality for sometime. People do day dream and the frequency differ from person to person. I do day dream but never intended to write about it. A movie made me think about the day dreaming and its genesis. The movie is 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'. I heard about this movie through a random Facebook friend. The protagonist is Ben Stiller (Hero of Night at the Museum). He acted as Mr. Walter Mitty, a 42 year old negative(Film) asset manager in a nature magazine (LIFE).

Walter has the habit of day dreaming. Most instances he create a fancy world around his desires, interests and get zoned out of the real world. He lives a very calculated life and buried his passion deep inside. Day dreaming gives him a parallel life or moments which he can cherish. This is well shown in the scene where he sending Cheryl a wink in a dating website and subsequent scenes in office & railway station.

The problem starts when the company decides to go only online. And that transition would make many jobs redundant. The photographer for LIFE magazine is a freelancer and never use any modern day communications. He send a film roll and preferred the 25th negative for the final edition. He also sends Walter a purse as a gift. But Walter and his assistant couldn't find the 25th negative. From here movies takes off and Walter travel to find the photographer.

Following a clue, he lands in Greenland, takes ride in helicopter with drunken pilot, jumps into the ocean, fights with shark, travels in a ferry to reach Iceland. Iceland is a Inexplicable beauty in the movie. Alas! he couldn't reach the photographer. He comes back to US and get fired in the course of time.

He takes the skating board bought in Iceland to Cheryl's home to give it as gift to her son. Mistaking the fridge mechanic as Cheryl's husband, he drops the skating board and returns. He goes to home, tells mom about the job. He found that the photographer went to northeast Afghanistan in Himalayas. He travel there and find him only to know that the negative was in the purse which he threw into dustbin before starting. The conversation between Walter and photographer is wonderful one to notice. Particularly the dialogue when photographer says why he didn't take the picture of snow leopard.'Sometimes i don't allow the camera in between while seeing the beautiful things'

He comes back to US and the purse is given by his mom. He gives the negative to the CEO and ask him to respect the people who build the magazine. He adds adventures in the resume, proposes Cheryl which she accepts graciously and found that the 25th negative is nothing but the picture of himself taken by the photographer Sean O'connell.

In the course of journey Walter Mitty's habit of zoning out reduces to zero. When he caught in the web of responsibilities, low level of confidence & shyness, day dream seems as an option to console himself. But once start living life of his heart there is no more day dreams.

I too have accustomed to day dreams and get zoned out. My friend Tholkappiyan keep making fun on  my zone outs ( :) ). Though its not as bad as Walter Mitty, i too have experienced. I am not judging the day dream as good or bad but hope i could live an adventurous life of my heart and keep the day dreams at bay! Just like Walter Mitty! Ending with motto of LIFE Magazine.

To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, to see and be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. Since our concentration is about the current second we do not get time for day dream.
