Thursday, April 16, 2020

Chernobyl-HBO Mini Series

Chernobyl series was the talk of social media when it was released. My brother saw the series and recommended to me.

This Series has 5 episodes and each run for an hour. Chernobyl is the name we come across whenever there is a talk about an industrial disaster. I had a case about Chernobyl in the Engineering ethics subject. The case was about moral dilemma. It's a theory paper, as usual story writing was enough to clear it. This series made me understand why it was taught at a college in India. Its not just about Russians, its about humanity.

This series starts with a man recording the the chronicles of Chernobyl disaster and hangs himself subsequently.

He is the professor Valery Legasov, who was instrumental in containing the nuclear disaster which otherwise would made the section of Europe and Asia inhabitable. Another key person is from communist party of Russia, Boris Shcherbina, who was the minister of fuel and energy, appointed to contain the situation.

Apart from these two key people, there are thousands of foot-level soldiers, miners, doctors, nurses, engineers who sacrificed their lives to contain the radiation.
The essence of this series is how can a disaster of that magnitude happen. You can witness,

1.Human ego, arrogance & Greed, values of different lives.

2. Hyper-nationalism, opaque governance, superiority complex, silencing the voice of dissent in the name of country and the leader.

3. And the technical aspects of the reactor and the disaster. You learn about the fuel U-235, Boron rods, nuclear fission, dosimeter, roentgen, the structural & operational details of a nuclear reactor.

It's a documentary with a extraordinary production. You will be into the story and have the shivering, pain, anger, helplessness as the protagonists. The actors Jared Harris, Stellan Skasgard, Emily watson and each everyone in their respective roles did a awesome job.

2600 Sq Kms of Ukraine and Belaraus around the Chernobyl reactor is still a restricted area even after 34 years. This shows the extent of damage. Always the good protects us and evil leaves us in peril.

Here too you witness how the human tenacity, grit, selflessness and righteousness saved the world. And the opposite of those brought that disaster.

Don't miss. It will kindle you and change the perspectives.

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